Hi! I’m Autumn.  I am a seeker of Truth and I believe the most beautiful parts of life are when we are connected to a source larger than ourselves and when we are connected to each other. I am dedicated to a simple life so that the important things are magnified and distractions fall away.

The Seeking-Soul

I’ve been nomadic my entire life.  I’ve lived all over the country, in 5 states, 13 cities, and on 2 coastlines.  I’ve lived in 2 major metropolitan areas, a few mid-sized cities, and endless places off grid. I’ve lived in a city where subways, trains, and planes have passed by my window every 5 minutes, and I’ve lived in rural areas where people walk their pigs in place of dogs.

I’ve lived in a tiny 200 sq foot travel trailer in the redwoods, in a garage in San Francisco, in a high-rise apartment on the 23rd floor in the DC-Metro, and in a basement. I’ve lived on a busy highway and I’ve lived in a peaceful ponderosa forest. I’ve lived near an ocean boardwalk where I’d rollerblade along the beach to get to work, and I’ve lived in the desert where oven mitts really were required for a drive to the grocery store in the summer.

Five times in my life I left nearly all my possessions behind except that which fit in my vehicle.  By the time I was 35 years old, I had moved into my 35th home.  I lived there longer than I lived anywhere in my adult life: 3 years.  And then, that seeking spirit called again.

In 2022 I turned my car into a micro-camper and lived out of it while traveling 30,000 miles while working from the road and traveling all over the west.  A year and a half later, I upgraded to a Class-C RV and I travel around the southwest while living and working off-grid.

After moving so often, I love taking my home along with me wherever I go.  The off-grid nomadic lifestyle has always been my dream.  I trust our dreams, and I am excited to share this journey.

Professional Life

I work as a counselor, consultant, and writer and I work in the field of psychology and health.

For a while I wasn’t clear on how to blend a professional life with a nomadic life on the road.  But, where there’s a will there’s a way… and I am blessed to do the meaningful work I love, from the beauty of endless landscapes.

If you’d like to work with me on starting up your own nomadic adventure, I offer coaching and consultation on the experience.  For more on my professional services visit my sister-site at Sweetest Freedom.