Nomadic Coaching

Are you looking to start your own nomadic adventure?

Do you have questions about how to get started?

Would you like to talk through the experience and explore your questions and concerns?

I work as a nomadic-living coach & consultant to individuals and families looking to begin this lifestyle. I apply the listening skills from my counseling education and background to coach you on nomadic living… everything from bravery and courage to take the nomadic leap, how to work from the road, the hardships to reasonably expect with this lifestyle, and practical questions.

All meetings take place through zoom.


30 Minutes on Zoom: $60.00
60 Minutes on Zoom $120.00
90 Minutes on Zoom $150.00

I offer a sliding fee scale of up to a 50% reduction for those who have financial hardship.   Contact me for to receive this application and to schedule a complimentary 15 minute phone call.

To view additional coaching & consulting services I provide, as well as to learn more about the career I took with me on the road, view my professional background at Sweetest Freedom.